Friday, June 6, 2008

"How to Cope"

"Perfectionist Song"


Minimally Drawn



"jones cream soda"



"Way too Romantic"

These are supposed to be friends, but they ended up looking like way too close of friends. Oops.

I don't have a title for this.

a jet trail vanished behind a cloud/
i heard it roaring, so low, so loud/
when it reached the snailshaped mass/
i waited for the plane to pass/
my neck was craned, and i was staring/
to the snail, its bluesky faring/
it moved on/
the plane was gone/
only blankblue in its wake/
i knew what i saw, there's no mistake/
the plane was seating forty seven/
i wonder if they went toheaven/
noone else saw, noone believed me/
thought that i lied, my eyes just decieved me/
i took it asign/
an ending life line/
still, im alive,and i still cast an eye/
up highabove, up to the sky/
maybe real soon, if i'm looking real hard/
i will see, in a cloud's blue front yard/
another white line, coming Out from highfog/
uninterrupted, long, slice the blue bog/
its journey continued/
shouting, roaringrenewed/
